Thursday, November 11, 2010

umm, this is not a good look

I got a new collar.  But it's not a pretty one.  In fact, I look like a big flashlight.  I've heard that it's to keep me from licking myself while I heal, but it just makes me run into things.

Oh and another thing - last night, my twin brother appeared at the house!!!  He looks exactly like me and he stands in the glass door at night.  My daddy calls him Reflection.  Reflection is a silly name for a dog.  But when I growl at him, he growls at me.  And he moves exactly like I do - if I move one way, he moves the same way!  And, he's wearing a cone exactly like me!  I don't see Reflection anywhere else but on the shiny glass door, well and sometimes on the window, but I growl at him when I see him.  What are the chances of me having a twin brother named Reflection!

Remember, email me if you are interested in bringing me into your family or have any questions: email here

here are pictures of me.  see, I look like a flashlight!
 why am I the only one who is wearing a cone?
dealing with this cone makes me sleepy